All are welcome for Holy Week and Easter

Join us for Holy Week and Easter at Church of the Resurrection!

Palm Sunday — April 2nd at 8 am and 10:15 am
Holy Eucharist and Festive Procession of the Palms

Maundy Thursday — April 6th at 6pm
This year we’ll be gathering for a dinner Eucharist in the sanctuary. Join us for a simple and hearty meal, conversation, footwashing, and communion. Our sanctuary will be rearranged to host us for this intimate night of caring for one another as Jesus cared for his disciples. All are welcome, and it would be very helpful if you could RSVP here so we can be sure to have enough food for all.

Good Friday — April 7th at Noon, 6:30 and 7pm

Join us for the Solemn Good Friday service at noon (spoken) and 7pm (with music). Join in praying Stations of the Cross outdoors at 6:30pm.

The Great Vigil of Easter — April 8th at 8:30pm
We’ll start by kindling the new fire of Easter in the dark on the labyrinth, and then share stories of our faith ancestors, glorious music, and finally the first alleluias and Eucharist of Easter.

Easter Day — April 9th at 8:00 and 10:15am
Festive Eucharist, with Easter egg hunt and many cupcakes following the 10:15 service