Fire & Water, Prayers & Tangible Support

Dear ones,

It’s not always the case that we are asked to hold fire and water so close together in our minds and hearts, but this is one of those weeks. No doubt most of you have been watching as the fires rage in LA with fear and concern, heartbreak and prayers. And then this coming Sunday, we’ll gather to celebrate the baptisms of two fabulous children of God: Barrett, still a tiny baby, and Asher, who is eight and one of our most enthusiastic acolytes. As part of the baptisms, we’ll raise our voices in making one of the most important promises to them that we ever make: when asked if we will do all in our power to support them in their life in Christ, the sanctuary will resound with many, many voices shouting, “We will!”

It’s a promise that has been made again and again, and honored again and again, in countless ways. Both here and in the wider Body of Christ, we show up for each other, and we carry one another through. We relish the gorgeous days we are blessed to share, and we rally when the waters get rough and the fires — literally — rage. Now is one of those times that we are called to step up. Please, begin that stepping up by joining me in prayer for the thousands upon thousands of people who have been evacuated, displaced, hurt, or killed by the fires in Southern California, and for all the firefighters and first responders working so hard to keep others safe. If you would like to give to relief efforts there, Episcopal Relief and Development is already hard at work.

I also ask you to join me in praying for Stephen Smith, his wife Holly, and their young son Bruce. Many of you remember Stephen, but for those of you who are newer to the congregation, he grew up at Resurrection, and is the son of my predecessor, Rev. Bruce. We sponsored Stephen for ordination and he was ordained a priest at Grace Cathedral in 2016. He has become a dear friend of mine through the clergy backpacking trips that you’ve probably heard me tell stories from — this past fall in Utah, I was grateful for his much-needed voice of reason in helping me to make safer choices than I otherwise might have as together we attempted to scale (and eventually, more prudently abandoned!) the red cliffs there.

Stephen now serves as associate rector at the Parish of St. Matthew in Pacific Palisades. I give thanks to God that Stephen and his family are safe, and I am heartbroken to share that their home burned yesterday, and they lost all their belongings. Many of Stephen’s parishioners have lost their homes as well. He and his family are staying with relatives for the time being, but have a long road ahead of them. Please hold them close in your prayers in the days, weeks, and months ahead. If you would like to offer tangible help as they begin to rebuild, financial support will be the most useful. You can give a donation by PayPal (or check to Resurrection, with “Fire Recovery” in the memo, or you can send them a gift directly by Venmo; Stephen’s wife’s Venmo is @Holly-Milburn.

Thank you for your generosity, whether in prayers or gifts. I know your love will be felt deeply, and Stephen has already expressed how moved they are by the support coming their way. This is a good time for us to remember what it is to be Church, with or without buildings, in good times and in heartbreak — this is when we all reach to hold one another in God’s grace.

