​From the clergy at Santiago St. James and Resurrection

Dear friends,

We who are many are one body, for we all share one bread and one cup. When we think about church membership, most of us probably think about the congregation where we come together to be and to receive the body of Christ. But we are also members of the Episcopal Church and in communion with neighbor congregations throughout our diocese, even if this is often unseen or unpracticed. We are excited about a new opportunity to live into that shared membership more deeply. One of our congregations, Santiago St. James in Oakland, is currently without a priest. Because we are a bilingual community, we have limited resources for supply and it may be several months before we are able to call a new vicar. One of our congregations, Church of the Resurrection in Pleasant Hill, is actively seeking ways to tap into community with neighbors. So during Santiago’s interim, we are inviting you, our two congregations, to come into communion with one another in a new and tangible way. Beginning this week, at Sunday Eucharist, Resurrection will bless enough bread and wine to serve both congregations. Deacon Laura will bring the consecrated elements to distribute at Santiago the following Sunday at morning prayer. And we will pray for one another, that in our respective missions and in relationship we may more fully be the body of Christ for and with one another.


Deacon Laura and Rev. Liz