Healing Ministry News

Dear Church of the Resurrection Friends,

As disciples of Jesus we are called to the work of healing and reconciliation. I believe God’s desire is always for our health and wholeness. Often, however, our reality is one of brokenness. When we bring that brokenness of body, mind, or spirit before God we open ourselves to receive God’s work of healing.

Liz, Whitney, and I are very pleased to announce the return of weekly healing prayers at both our services on Sunday mornings.

We have put together a team and will begin offering prayers during communion at a healing station on Sunday, June 11. Prior to communion that day we will commission our Healing Ministers: Nancy Black, Jeremy Carlson, Meg Coons, CC Kelly, Sharron Moore, Linda Pedrotti, and Jennifer Vargen.

Clergy members will join these lay healing ministers as schedules allow.

At the healing station we will anoint with oil, lay hands on head or shoulders, and pray for God’s healing. Those wishing prayers may name a need or simply ask for a prayer of healing. We are only the agents or vessels of God’s power and healing, putting our “whole trust in God’s grace and love.” (BCP, Baptismal Covenant)

Healing will be offered during Communion so that you can either go to the healing station before or after Communion. When you approach the healing station, please wait until the person ahead of you has completed their time with the Healing ministers and then you can approach the station. This will ensure privacy and confidentiality for all involved. Whatever you share with the healing ministers is confidential but they may ask you if you would like your concerns shared with clergy.

In addition, the Healing Team will meet monthly for reading, study, conversation, and the opportunity to pray for each other and our own healing.

If you have questions, I welcome them!



The Rev. Martha C. Kuhlmann

Just a note about me: I graduated from CDSP and was ordained to the priesthood in 2002. I served as an associate rector at St. Anna’s (formerly St. George’s), Antioch and at Holy Cross, Castro Valley. Recently retired from full time leadership at Holy Cross, I am happily attending Church of the Resurrection and was delighted when Liz and Whitney asked me about doing some training and mentoring with this wonderful group. I have a deep passion for healing ministry and have mentored healing ministry groups for 23 years.