​Holy Land Pilgrimage in 2024

Holy Land Registration Form 2024

Dear friends,

I am beyond thrilled that our pilgrimage to the Holy Land is beginning to really take shape for next year. In June of 2024, a group of us from Church of the Resurrection will have the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Jesus together, stepping into these ancient stories in a whole new way. As you may know, last year, a small group of us went, and I found it to be a wholly transformative experience. I returned home with new questions and renewed faith, a palpable sense of connection to our tradition, and a feeling of God’s close presence in a new and different way. As we have made our way through the seasons, the church calendar, and many of the stories whose locations we visited, my gratitude for the experience has only deepened. All that to say, I am very eager to share it with as many of you as possible!

We will be met at the airport in Tel Aviv by our local guides, and they will take care of all the transportation, arrangements, housing, food, and exploration while we are there. Our guides are Iyad and Rami Qumri, who are both Palestinian Christians, active leaders in the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem, and residents of Jerusalem. They are truly delightful human beings, deeply knowledgeable, and very skilled at leading smooth, safe, and meaningful pilgrimages. You can learn more about their pilgrimages here. The other American leader joining us is the Rev. Mark Stanger, who served at Grace Cathedral and also has long-standing ties with the Holy Land, having lived and worked there for years as well.

Over the course of the trip, we’ll see much of the Holy Land: we’ll spend the first few days in Jerusalem, then go onto Jericho and Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee. We’ll spend time in and around Bethlehem, and then return to explore Jerusalem further, with a stop to float in the Dead Sea to round things out. The accommodations are beautiful and comfortable, and while it will be warm when we’re there, the bus we’ll travel on is comfortable and has air conditioning.

Some practical details:

Dates: June 3rd (leaving the US) — June 15th (landing back home), 2024

Cost: $3,000 for double-occupancy rooms, which covers all our lodging, meals, bus travel, and entry to the various sites. Single rooms are limited and cost an additional $560.

Airfare: The cost of the trip does not include airfare, and we all book our own flights. Last fall our tickets were under $900.

Draft Itinerary: Available here.

Passport: Your passport must be valid for six months after your return to the US. Processing times are very slow right now, so it may be wise to renew now!

How to register: Registration is now open for members of Church of the Resurrection. To secure your spot, you’ll need to turn in a registration form with a $750 deposit. The remaining balance will be due in April. If there’s still room, beginning in September I’ll open registration up to other folks in the Diocese — if you want to be sure to get a spot, sign up in August!

If you are interested in this possibility, please come to one of these information sessions:

– Sunday, August 6th at 9am in the Parish Hall

– Monday, August 7th at 7pm on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9253139000?pwd=YmRVd2plblRhTzBIMnpmYzIrMGpZZz09

In both sessions, I’ll share more about what you can expect on the trip, share some photos, talk through logistics, and answer whatever questions you may have.

I look forward to talking with you more about this amazing place!

