Join us for Christmas!

Whoever you are and wherever you’ve been, you are most welcome to celebrate Christmas with us at Church of the Resurrection.

Christmas Eve:

4:00 pm — pageant, carols and communion

This is a more energetic service, with our kids and youth leading us into this most wonderful night. All kids are welcome to participate in the pageant, even just showing up that evening! This service will also be livestreamed.

10:00 pm — carols and communion
This is a beautiful service, filled with carols led by our choir and candlelight, and includes a sermon and communion. This service will also be livestreamed.

Christmas Day:

10:15 am — carols and communion

This is a sweet and simple service of Christmas carols, a sermon, and communion. Please note that there will not be a livestream for this service.

Covid Practices:

Please note that in light of the CDC now marking our county risk level as “high, we are asking that everyone wear masks indoors while at church. We will also be sharing the wine and grape juice at communion in small paper cups rather than in the chalice. As ever, if you are feeling at all sick, please stay home and join us on the livestream. Thank you!