Updated Covid Protocols for Worship

The CDC has recently updated the status of Contra Costa County to “low” with respect to Covid rates and risk. With this improvement, and following the CDC’s guidance, we will no longer be requiring people to wear masks indoors at church. Of course, everyone who wishes to is still absolutely welcome to mask, and we will still have them available. As ever, if you have any symptoms, please stay home, and if you test positive after being at church, please let us know so we can do appropriate contact tracing.

In addition, Bishop Marc has just released updated guidelines for Covid safety, and as part of that he has given us permission to begin sharing the chalice during communion again. Beginning this Sunday, you may receive wine or grape juice from the chalice if you so choose. In an effort to minimize the spread of germs at communion we ask that you please not dip (intinct) your bread in the communion cup. Not only does the bread tend to fall apart when dipped in the wine, it also introduces more germs from your hands into the cup. Please know that the church has long held that to receive communion in “full” one need not receive both the bread and wine.