2025 Annual Stewardship: Boundless Love; Abundant Possibilities

Pledge cards for 2025 are available in the office at church.

Each fall, we turn our attention as a community to all the blessings we have received, and how we want to take part in sharing those blessings with others in a tangible way. Core to this work of discernment is thinking about how we intend to support the life of our congregation with our money in the coming year, which we call a pledge. A helpful measure for discerning our financial giving is thinking about making a pledge that is a percentage of income, rather than a dollar amount. A tithe (10% of income) is the biblical standard of giving. For most folks, this is a goal to be reached through incremental increases spread out over years.

If you would like to make an annual pledge, please contact the church office to receive a pledge card, or you can make your pledge online here.

This is incredible! Beloveds, generosity is alive and well in this community! In the last year, more than 88% of households at Church of the Resurrection supported our congregation financially, and 71% of our members did this in the form of a pledge. We are not a massive church, and yet by all pitching in together, we are able to make amazing things happen! Everyone belongs here, and everyone is needed — thank you for making this beautiful dream a reality.

Boundless Love

This love in action is palpable. More than 80% of our operating budget is supported by your pledges, and this is what you made possible in the last year:

  • Lifting Rev. Whitney up as our full-time Associate Rector
  • Growing children and youth ministry
  • Launching Stephen Ministry to expand our pastoral care
  • Welcoming 30 new members
  • Beginning small group ministries
  • Increasing our explicit welcome to the LGBTQ+ community
  • Increasing our support to our hungry and unhoused neighbors
  • Helping our clergy stay healthy by offering sabbatical time
  • Sending seven high school youth on their mission trip
  • Lifting up women in ministry and expanding our assisting clergy team
  • Developing our intergenerational music program
  • Offering diverse and on-going events throughout the year

Abundant Possibility

With your love and generosity, in 2025 we will continue all this wonderful progress from the last year, while also:

  • Launching a new confirmation program for our high schoolers
  • Forming a new youth ministry for our middle schoolers
  • Expanding support for our musicians
  • Offering a new mid-week Eucharist
  • Revamping the loft area and nursery to be multi-use meeting spaces
  • Hosting more opportunities to gather for fellowship over meals
  • Increasing our diverse offering of events for the wider community
  • Supporting seminarians and lifting up those discerning calls to ministry
  • Taking intentional and proactive care of our campus and facilities, especially through our support of the Maintenance Reserve Fund

Why does pledging matter?

Everyone is welcome to participate fully in the life of our community — joining in worship, fellowship, service and formation, and receiving pastoral care. Giving is not required, but it makes all this possible. By making a pledge of how you plan to financially support the church in the coming year, you allow our Vestry to plan thoughtfully and make good decisions about what we can afford to do as a community.

People have been contributing to the care of this church for decades… now it’s our turn!

Join us for Ingathering Sunday & Harvest Dinner

Ingathering of Pledges: October 27th at our 8:00 and 10:15am services

Harvest Dinner: October 27th, 5:30-7:30pm