Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Our mission: To nurture an inclusive church, where we worship, heal, and laugh, so that together we can share God’s love with the community.

Our vision: To thrive as a church family where people of every age are empowered and inspired to share their gifts to expand our positive impact in the community.

Our values

Inclusion: God’s love knows no bounds. We welcome people of every background, race, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, and ability.

Community: Come as you are. We nurture a relaxed community where love, compassion, support, and fun are abundant. We are committed to creating a safe space for all.

Tradition: The traditions of the Episcopal Church—our rituals, liturgy, and sacraments—provide a meaningful framework for our spiritual journey.

Spiritual formation: Together, we deepen our relationship with God and develop a greater understanding of our faith through worship, prayer, study, and reflection.

Transformation: We encourage each other to be open to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, allowing God’s grace to shape us into more compassionate, just, and loving people.

Community engagement: Our faith is a call to action in the world. We support and inspire each other to go out into the community, serving as agents of positive change, justice, and mercy.

Stewardship: We use our resources wisely and faithfully, caring well for this community and our beautiful campus.