Serve at Resurrection
Here at Church of the Resurrection, we understand that we make church together: this is our shared home, and it take all of us for this community to come alive and thrive! There are many ways that people serve here, ways both to care for each other and the community. Some are more obvious — leading worship, rallying clean-up days around the grounds, hosting coffee hour — and some are less visible but still crucial, keeping the church running on all levels. Our church family makes it all happen, baking the bread for communion, fixing finicky pipes, visiting folks who are sick, dreaming up new art for the sanctuary or adventures for our youngsters. Wherever you feel called to serve, there is a place for you and your gifts. You can find the contact information for leaders in our directory or by contacting the office.
Formation Ministries
Youth Ministry — Spend time in conversation with our youth, helping to lead Youth Group and Confirmation classes, adventuring with them around the Bay, and joining in Mission Trips. Contact: …
Leadership Ministries
Finance Team — Plan for our financial needs as a congregation, advise the vestry in financial matters, and manage the day-to-day finances of the church. Contact Rich Gianello. Vestry — …
Serving Outdoors
Buildings & Grounds Team — Takes care of our buildings and tending our grounds, both on a regular basis and when things break! We’re grateful to have a group of …
Serving People
God-sends — Offer rides, meals, and love to people who are sick, recovering from surgery, who just had a baby, or otherwise need some extra support. Contact: Mitch Epperson, Dian …
Worship Ministries
The word “liturgy,” which we also use to refer to our worship service, means “work of the people,” and our services quite literally require the work of many people each …