Serving Outdoors

Buildings & Grounds Team — Takes care of our buildings and tending our grounds, both on a regular basis and when things break! We’re grateful to have a group of wonderfully skilled folks to pitch in, and who also know when it’s time to call in a professional. Interested? Many hands make light work! Contact Neil Crawford.

Labyrinth Team — Maintains our labyrinth, pulling weeds and otherwise beautifying the space. Contact Carol Held.

Orchard Team — Tends our 40 fruit trees by pruning and watering throughout the year, and heads up the harvest effort in service of the Contra Costa Food Bank. Contact Geza Szakats.

Vineyard Team — Cares for our vineyard, pruning, managing water, harvesting, and crushing the grapes to turn into wine for communion! Our lead vineyard manager has recently moved away and we are working on building up this team… if you have these skills or are interested in learning, please contact the office!