Worship Ministries

The word “liturgy,” which we also use to refer to our worship service, means “work of the people,” and our services quite literally require the work of many people each week. Serving in a worship service either up front or behind the scenes can bring new meaning and perspective to our personal worship experience, and there are a variety of ways to take part.
Acolytes – serve as torch bearers and crucifer during worship services for those Grade 4 and above. Those interested in learning about becoming an acolyte should contact Amanda Szakats
Altar Guild – prepares and cares for the altar and its linens, vestments and vessels. Contact: Lori Vella
Altar Flowers – You are encouraged to sponsor altar flowers during the year. Your check plus a copy of the request form should be submitted to the church office at least one week in advance.
A/V Livestream Team — set up the sound system and video cameras for the 10:15 service, and manage the sound and video for the livestream. Contact: Ken Carlson or Rob Evans.
Bread Making – Bread bakers prepare the bread used for Sunday Communion. Contact: Lori Vella.
Choir & Musicians — lead the congregation in song at the 10:15 service. The choir practices on Thursday evenings, September – June, and often musicians join in on other instruments on Sunday morning as well. Interested in adding your voice or music? Contact Jack Barben.
Coffee Hour Hosts – Hosted by parishioners and ministry teams, coffee hours after the 8:00 and 10:15 services provide a wonderful opportunity to enjoy some refreshments, catch up with old friends and make new ones. Hosting coffee hour is also a wonderful and easy way to get to know new people and to ensure the extension of hospitality to visitors and newcomers. Complete instructions for hosting are provided. Sign up at church, or by emailing Whitney Wilson.
Eucharistic Ministers (Chalice Bearers) – assist in serving the chalice during communion and receive training and license from the Diocese of California. For more information contact the clergy.
Eucharistic Visitors – take communion from the Sunday service to those who are unable to attend church. Eucharistic Visitors are trained and licensed by the Diocese of California. For more information contact the clergy.
Greeters – ensure that visitors, newcomers and regular members at Church of the Resurrection experience Christ’s hospitality and welcome by greeting at each service and providing information and follow-up to those who wish it. Contact: Whitney Wilson
Lectors – (also known as readers) read the Scripture lessons during worship. Those interested in becoming a lector should contact Russ Bratburd.
Ushers – assist parishioners by seating them for worship, distributing bulletins, collecting the offering and directing the congregation in coming forward to receive Communion. Contact: Hugo Llamas.