Adult Faith Formation

The first Christians knew that their participation in teaching, learning and fellowship were essential to deepening and enriching their lives as people of faith. They knew that living and growing in Christ involved study and learning. At Church of the Resurrection we recognize this whenever we renew our baptismal promise to take part in these areas of Christian life. Through learning, we are able to build and deepen our relationships with God and one another, to understand our tradition, to grow in our journey of faith, and to be transformed more deeply into the image of Christ.

To that end, everyone is invited to participate in the learning opportunities that are available at Church of the Resurrection. Through them, we can grow in faith and community, and gain in wisdom and knowledge.

Sunday Morning Education Hour

Join us most Sunday mornings in the Parish Hall from 9:00 to 10:00 am and experience a variety of learning opportunities and educational series.

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Digital Spirituality

Digital spirituality explores many ways in which you can find spiritual nourishment inside of church and out in the world, on your own or in community. The links below try …

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Women’s Retreat

Each fall, women from our congregation gather for a retreat at the Bishop’s Ranch in Healdsburg, California. We begin our retreat Friday evening with a potluck dinner. Come enjoy this …

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