
The choir at Church of the Resurrection is comprised of dedicated singers who provide music for the 10:15 am service and special occasions from September through June. In addition to providing leadership for congregational singing of hymns and liturgical responses, the choir sings weekly anthems from a wide variety of traditional and contemporary choral literature. The music program is enriched by other musicians most Sundays, including guitar, saxophone, clarinet, trombone, violin, percussion, and more. Kids and teenagers are an integral part of our music ministry week by week, and all are invited to come and play.

All voices are welcome to sing with the choir. The only requirement is a love of singing and a desire to learn. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary with Sunday morning warm-up at 9:30 am.

Interested in learning more? Contact our Music Director, Jack Barben.

Music at Church of the Resurrection