Christmas in July

Christmas in July is coming! We will be again celebrating Christmas in July with a Christmas Tree in the sanctuary, as a way to celebrate the incarnation all year and support children in our community. The tree “ornaments” will have needs listed on them that help the folks at Hope Solutions. We use this as an opportunity to ready the school-aged kids with the supplies they need to start the new school year well. The average income for families living at Hope Solutions is slightly more than 13,000 a year. Take as many ornaments as you wish and put the unwrapped “presents” of school supplies and backpacks under the tree on or before July 31st. Last year we gathered more than 50 backpacks with all of the fixings. This year we are also collecting healthy single use snack supplies to help the after school tutoring program provided by Hope Solutions; $5 Starbuck gift cards are also used in the tutoring program to reward progress. Please bring your gifts to church by July 31st.