
Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection! The most important thing for you to know is that we are a community who welcomes and values all who seek an experience of God’s love, whoever or wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Whatever your age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, social or economic circumstance, or religious background, you are welcome in our worshipping community and at the Lord’s Table.

As part of the Episcopal Church, this is a place that is both rich with ancient tradition and relevant to the big questions and struggles of life in the 21st century. We are a vibrant, thriving community made up of people of all ages, religious backgrounds, political positions, family configurations, ethnicities and church experience. We are a laid-back crew — come as you are, and you will find there are many opportunities for people of all ages for spiritual growth, fellowship and making a tangible difference in the world.

We hope that exploring this website will give you a sense of our community, our worship and all that’s available for children, youth and adults here. Please join us! We look forward to meeting you, and hope that you will make yourself at home at Church of the Resurrection.


8 AM – Communion and sermon10:15 AM – Communion, sermon and music

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The Episcopal Church

Church of the Resurrection is part of the Episcopal Diocese of California, which is made up of about 60 churches in the Bay Area. The Diocese of California is led …

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What to Expect

Get to know a bit more about worship at Church of the Resurrection! If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact the church during office …

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Clergy, Staff, and Lay Leadership Vestry Church members and clergy together lead our congregation through a governing board called the Vestry, much like a board of directors. The Vestry consists …

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The Episcopal Church has a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our …

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Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Our mission: To nurture an inclusive church, where we worship, heal, and laugh, so that together we can share God’s love with the community. Our vision: To thrive as a …

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