In Gratitude

This past Sunday, to close out our Annual Meeting, I presented two rector’s crosses in celebration of and gratitude for two amazing people who have given their time and energy so generously to this community.

First, to Dan Damon, who has been nothing less than a Godsend. Dan had already been contributing beautifully to our music program for a while, which was wonderful, but then last year he jumped in and led us when Charles, our music director at the time, was first gone on medical leave and then ultimately moved to the East coast. At each of these junctures, it could have been really difficult – finding stellar music subs, especially long term, is difficult! Instead, Dan showed up with and for us again and again and again, offering his joy and beautiful music and good humor to carry us through. Thank you, Dan!

Second, we honored Tim Repp, who has kept us running smoothly for many, many years. His work has been almost entirely behind-the-scenes: unless you have served on vestry or have needed to be reimbursed for something, you may not know what he’s been up to at all. For a long time now, Tim has managed our books and paid bills and kept our finances in good order. It is a massive job, and an incredible thing for a volunteer to do, and one that obviously matters a great deal. Tim has discerned that it’s finally time to set this responsibility down, especially since his wife Kathy kept our books for many years before he took it on, and so they are both long overdue for a real rest from Quickbooks. I have deep gratitude for both of them, for taking such good care of us, and helping us into the black.

