Mission, Vision, and Values

Recognizing that Church of the Resurrection has grown and evolved in many wonderful ways over the past few years, the vestry committed to listening and learning about how you were feeling regarding the health of our church family as well as your hopes for the future. We received so much valuable insight through your survey responses and participation in listening sessions. The Vestry has been discerning your feedback and has updated the statements of our mission, vision, and values. These statements describe what we hear God calling us to be (our mission), the future we want to create (our vision), and how we put our beliefs into action (our values).
The mission, vision, and values will be posted on our website to help those seeking information about us to learn how we see ourselves. The vestry and staff will also use these statements to help guide strategic choices and prioritize how we spend our time, our energy, and our resources.
Our mission: To nurture an inclusive church, where we worship, heal, and laugh, so that together we can share God’s love with the community.
Our vision: To thrive as a church family where people of every age are empowered and inspired to share their gifts to expand our positive impact in the community.
Our values
Inclusion: God’s love knows no bounds. We welcome people of every background, race, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, and ability.
Community: Come as you are. We nurture a relaxed community where love, compassion, support, and fun are abundant. We are committed to creating a safe space for all.
Tradition: The traditions of the Episcopal Church—our rituals, liturgy, and sacraments—provide a meaningful framework for our spiritual journey.
Spiritual formation: Together, we deepen our relationship with God and develop a greater understanding of our faith through worship, prayer, study, and reflection.
Transformation: We encourage each other to be open to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, allowing God’s grace to shape us into more compassionate, just, and loving people.
Community engagement: Our faith is a call to action in the world. We support and inspire each other to go out into the community, serving as agents of positive change, justice, and mercy.
Stewardship: We use our resources wisely and faithfully, caring well for this community and our beautiful campus.