Sabbatical: what it is, why it is, and what to expect!

In a few weeks, on November 13th, I will be stepping into a different kind of time as I start my sabbatical, returning February 20th. There is so much that I absolutely love about serving as your rector, and I am also ready for this rest. Thatā€™s what sabbatical is, more than anything: a sabbath time for rest, for recharging, and for restoration of body, mind, and most especially, spirit. If I am going to keep serving and leading faithfully, I know I need to step away and refill my well.

Refilling my well is, in a nutshell, what Iā€™m hoping for in these coming months. As such, most of this time will be about creating the environment to connect more deeply with God. Much as I sometimes want to pretend that I have infinite energy, I know itā€™s not true, and I know that it doesnā€™t work to try to do this job while running on empty. The oxygen mask analogy rings true for me here, remembering how flight attendants ask us to put on our own masks before helping othersā€¦ I know that I cannot help others connect with God unless I really take the time to slow down and reconnect first.

What I have learned, both from many beloved colleagues and my own experience, is that for this kind of restoration to happen, I have to set it all down. Because I love you all so much, itā€™s awfully tempting to try to keep one foot in the church so that I can know how everyone is doing and hear how life is unfolding. And, because so much of my role here is that of pastor, I know this doesnā€™t work: even if Iā€™m not preaching or doing the administrative work of being your rector, if Iā€™m still connected, I know Iā€™ll click right back into ā€œpastor-modeā€ instead of settling into this sabbath time.

And so, in a way that feels so counter to the world we live in, I will be unplugging. While on sabbatical, I will not be checking my email or responding to texts or phone calls, and I will be stepping away from social media. If you feel tempted to reach out to me while Iā€™m away, please make a note of it in a draft email, and then after I return, if it still feels important, you can share it with me then. By fully unplugging in these ways, I hope to create enough quiet space in my days, my brain, and my soul to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with God in deeper and more sustaining ways.

We have some trips planned: first the Midwest to see dear friends and family, then time up in the Sierra foothills (hopefully with snow!), time for me to be on retreat, and some bonus fun that will be a surprise for the kidsā€¦ shhh! Iā€™m also looking forward to spending some of my sabbatical time here at home, exploring more hiking trails and working in my garden, both of which are important practices for me in connecting with God. In all of these places, I plan to spend a big chunk of my days immersed in a new writing project, and Iā€™m grateful for the space needed for this kind of expansive creativity to unfold.

Jesse, Alice, Sam and I will be exploring worship at other churches, both in our travels and while weā€™re in town during my sabbatical. Iā€™m grateful for the way this holds us all in communion together, and Iā€™m also excited for the new ideas weā€™ll experience and be able to bring back to Resurrection in the spring. If we run into each other at the grocery store or on the trail, Iā€™ll be happy to say hello, but ask that you not fill me in on whatā€™s happening at church. Iā€™ll be delighted to hear all about it when I return in February, but until then, Iā€™ll need to stay unplugged.

The greatest gift for me in being able to step away for this time is knowing that the congregation will be in amazing hands. Rev. Whitney will be at the helm and working full-time, supported by our amazing wardens Lindsay Firth and Lita Gloor-Little, who carry legal responsibility for the church in my absence, and the three of them will be collaborating with rest of the vestry. Revs. Martha, Donald and Brad will also be stepping up to preach, lead, and pastor more, and youā€™ll be blessed with a number of fabulous guest preachers who Iā€™m sorry to miss! All that together with the ever-steady leadership of Tracy, Jack, Shannon, and Jessi, and I know that life will be great here.

I look forward to soaking up the goodness of this community for a few more weeks, and then know that Iā€™ll be holding you all in my prayers as I enter into this sabbath time, this time apart from you, and ask for your prayers as well.

Much love,
