So Much Gratitude

Dear ones,

Over the last several days, plenty of family and friends have asked me how Holy Week went this year. Again and again, I find myself answering with variations on one primary theme: gratitude.

Holy Week is a marathon: logistically, emotionally, physically, spiritually. But itā€™s not a marathon any of us can complete alone; it reminds me more of the Bay to Breakers races that big groups of Resurrection folks ran together years ago, led by Chuck Murphy and Gary Lawrence. We start together, we run together, sometimes we may get lost or fall down together, we finish and celebrate together. It takes a lot of heart and a lot of effort, in so many ways and by so many people ā€” there is no time that makes it clearer that we make church together.

And so, as I think back over all the ground we covered, I am immensely grateful. I realize that it is always a bit dangerous to offer specific thanks, lest I leave someone out, but thatā€™s one of the risks inherent in the overflowing blessings of this place, so Iā€™m going to try anyway.

Thank you to Jack, and to our choir and musicians for all your extra work to lead us into the heart of worship. Thank you to Lori and the altar guild for taking such loving care of our worship space, and for preparing for so many different and complicated aspects of services. Thank you to everyone who shared muscle to move tables, chairs, and kneelers in and out and all around our sanctuary, multiple times. Thank you to Neil and Myron for organizing folks to clean up our campus and take good care of it. Thank you to Hugo and our ushers for guiding us through all these services, and especially for your intentionality in welcoming many visitors into our space. Thank you to everyone who helped to set up for and clean up from our dinner Eucharist on Maundy Thursday. Thank you to Rob, Myron, Ken, Davida, and Dian for working your magic with sound and video to help our worship be more accessible to folks both near and far. Thank you to our readers, servers, and acolytes for your care and attention in helping our services to come alive. Thank you to Carol for crafting an absolutely gorgeous new paschal candle ā€” make sure to come and look at it up close! Thank you to Jennifer, Sue, and Amy for taking photos, and to Jennifer for faithfully sharing them with the world. Thank you to Jessi and Shannon for helping our kids and youth joyfully find their place in this community. Thank you to everyone who brought cupcakes and lilies on Easter. Thank you to Tracy for your endless patience and care in producing so many bulletins and handling so many other details to help the week go smoothly. Thank you to Revs. Martha, Donald, and Brad for your generosity of spirit in teaching, preaching, and pastoring with us. And finally, huge thanks to Rev. Whitney for stepping up magnificently in so many ways in this, your first Easter as a priest.

It is a joy to celebrate the Resurrection with you all! My heart is full and Iā€™m excited for all that lies ahead of us.

Much thanks and love,
