We have a new font!

A very full load! Carefully unloading it into the pickup, attempting not to smash toes or fingers…Carefully unloading it into the pickup, attempting not to smash toes or fingers…

First, gratitude for what has been, the lovely font we’ve had for many years, which has served for the baptisms of so many beloveds. Sadly, it has been falling apart for some time, and after an accident a couple of years ago when the sanctuary was being rearranged, many more tiles began falling off. Creative people have tried various ways to repair it, all to no avail, and we decided we would need to replace it. We are still trying to decide what to do with the old font — if you would like pieces of the mosaic, or have an idea on where it could now live (maybe your garden?) please let me know.

Since we realized this past font had run its course, I’ve been dreaming with some of the handy and artistically inclined folks of the parish, trying to imagine what might come next, and how we would go about creating it. Last fall, I discovered a tremendous redwood stump out on the far corner of the Bishop’s Ranch property, which had been hollowed out by fire. I took some of the vestry on a (somewhat treacherous) hike to see it in the springtime, at which point we determined together that it would be amazing, but was completely impractical, and would probably fall apart as we tried to get it out of the woods and back home. At the end of that vestry retreat though, some of us noticed a downed tree trunk as if for the first time, even though we’d walked by it many times. It was an acacia tree that used to shade the art area behind the chapel, but has sat as a pair of benches for many years now. Beautifully burled and aged, immediately we all had the same thought: this could be our font!!

We are so grateful to the Bishop’s Ranch for giving us this wood, and most especially to their staff member Matt for sharing his expert chainsaw and tractor skills in getting it into a pickup truck to bring home.

Once back in Pleasant Hill, Myron Backhaus began the work of figuring out how to turn the tree trunk into a font: no small feat with such an irregular, twisting, tilting piece of wood! Many, many thanks to Myron for his generosity of time and talent in bringing this beauty to life in a new way. In the Episcopal Church, bishops traditionally bless new fonts, so we are looking at dates for when Bishop Marc can come and join us to celebrate this new addition to our church home.

Thanks to all who have helped make this dream a reality!



We’re very excited this is happening! Here’s the tree trunk as we found it.


Matt working his magic with a massive chainsaw.


Quickly followed by his impressive tractor prowess, lifting the trunk into the truck bed.

screen-shot-2022-10-20-at-104510-am_249Carefully unloading it into the pickup, attempting not to smash toes or fingers…

A very full load!


The stump in progress


The final product, now at home in our sanctuary.